I wanted to make a quick post about this really adorable email that we received from Elizabeth, H's sister, last night. We had emailed her to the two newest ultrasound pictures, and she showed them to her three children (Claire, Lydia and Preston). We got a response from her last night, specifically related to this particular ultrasound image:

Lydia (5) wanted to know if we were having a duck, since she could see the beak and nostrils (I'm guessing that she's talking about the arm above the baby's head), and Preston (3), agreeing with Lydia, said that he could see the tail. I'm still wondering where the notion of a tail came from, but in any case, it's incredible how amazing the imagination of children is.
so cute...LOL I see it too...LOL Duckie,Doodle Doo we love you
That's hilarious!! This blog is such a good idea!!! Laura Gail
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