Sunday, November 23, 2008

No diabetes for me!!

I meant to post this earlier, but time is going quicker than I can hardly imagine. I mean really, it's already Thanksgiving this week! In any case, I had my three hour blood glucose test on Thursday, and as awful as it was (and it really was awful!), it all came back negative, meaning that I have no Gestational Diabetes! That's such good news and really took a lot of stress out of my life...I was so worried about how to handle that. Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers about that situation, and please keep them coming. As of today, we are officially only 12 weeks away from meeting little H!! I can't even hardly believe it, but my dreams have been filled to the brim with worries about it all: what will he look like? will I be a good mom to him? how hard will it be to take care of him? will he cry a lot? how will the doggies do with him? Yeah, a lot of stuff to think about. I'm not really "freaking out" yet, but the reality that he's coming is really starting to sink in now...and I CAN'T WAIT!! :)

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