Yes, it's true. I am more than ready for this precious little baby to make his appearance! As you can all see, in spite of the fact that I started contracting around 35 weeks, little H has been stubborn and still hasn't shown up yet. I am now full term, and technically have been for the last two and a half weeks, and I'm getting to the end of my rope. I remember before I got pregnant thinking how selfish women were when they started complaining towards the end of their pregnancies, but dear god, if I was wrong! I had no idea how uncomfortable and miserable the end of a pregnancy could be! And for me it's particularly miserable thanks to the last two months of the osteitis pubis, the last month with contractions, and now the last week and a half with a lovely outbreak of PUPPP, all of which have no particular treatment except delivery of the baby. I'm trying to be a good sport and not complain, but I'm honestly starting to feel like I'm never going to have this baby. It's so hard when you're physically and psychologically ready, but nothing is happening. Literally, I've been 1 cm, 50% for the last month, and my doctor is refusing to induce me until I am 2 to 3 centimeters and more effaced. Add to that his suspicion that little H weighs somewhere between 9 and 10 pounds, and you can only imagine how ready I am to meet him finally. Last week the doctor mentioned that he has "blocked out time" to induce me this Thursday (2/12), only two days before my actual due date of Valentine's day, but only if my cervix is more "favorable". My last pregnancy appointment is tomorrow and I think if that doctor goes back on his word he might be dealing with a crazed pregnant women...GOD-WILLING he won't do that! I'm starting to wonder if nature is on my side or not...and yes, this baby is getting enormous. We're also going to do an ultrasound tomorrow just to get a good estimate on weight...I'm very interested to see how that turns out. In any case, please keep us in your prayers and please pray ESPECIALLY that the doctor sticks with his original plan of induction on Thursday. I'm really hoping and praying he does. In that case, it won't be long until little H is in my arms and my body belongs to me again...GOD-WILLING. And, just for fun, here's my 36-week picture. You can see that my belly looks like it will literally slide off of my body at any moment, thanks mainly to little H's SLOW descent into the birthing position, and that I am swollen to high heaven almost everywhere. And yes, feel free to laugh if you want. 

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