I haven't written in a week or so because we've been pretty busy with house-arranging stuff, getting ready for baby H, and getting some other things squared away. As you might have noticed, I'm also missing a belly picture from week 20, which is kind of disappointing since that was a real landmark week for me: THE HALF-WAY MARK!!! Well since the last time I wrote, we've made a few important decisions: I decided to withdraw from classes this semester in an attempt to lower my stress levels, and we've just recently (last week, actually) changed doctors. I'm really sad about that decision, and I admitedly almost cried when I went to say my goodbyes, but it was necessary since our insurance pulled a swift one on us. I still love my old doctor (Dr. Brazzel, he's amazing!!), but H assures me that my new doctor, Dr. Duff (who I meet with on the 14th for the first time) is equally as good.
Basically, our insurance company told us in the beginning that we would be covered 80% no matter where we went, but then we heard just a few weeks ago that actually, if we go to Shands, the hospital where H works, it's all covered 100%. So, for financial reasons, we've made the decision to switch. It was very sad for me, but I believe it will be the best decision for us in the long run. Other than these decisions, we've had a few other interesting developments. First, I've officially lost the ability to wear my wedding rings, which we had to literally ply off with soap after 20 minutes of holding my hand in the air to get the blood to flow out of it. Yeah, that left a mark. The second development is the lovely linea nigra that has developed in the bottom half of my tummy. Here's a picture, in case you're not clear on what that is:
You can't see it very much now, but it will definitely get larger and darker. You can see it running from just below my soon-to-be-outie belly button down. The good news, though, is that I'm still safely without stretch marks...I guess we'll see how long that lasts. And, for good measure, here's my weekly picture, where you can REALLY see that I'm starting to "really blow up", as H so lovingly puts it. To quote Jon Stewart: "here it is, your moment of Zen.":

Thanks again to all of you for the prayers, thoughts, and well-wishes. Please keep them coming...before we know it, little H will be here in our arms, being adorable and changing our world forever. What a blessing!! :)
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