This past weekend H and I took a little drive to Tampa to visit my grandparents who are there doing some housework (construction) for my aunt and cousin, who live there. It was such a great visit, and we got to not only spend some quality time with my family, but also eat some of my grandmother's world-famous gumbo. It was DELICIOUS....well, except for the gizzards (eek!). Here's a picture of us driving to Tampa, happy as larks to be getting the HELL out of Gainesville for the day:

The gumbo was beyond delicious, as was the ice cream that we had later in the day, and we really had a great time. I got to talk about the baby a bunch, H and I got to argue publicly about our office/closet situation, we got to discuss funny names for grandparents, and we got to hear a load of great stories from my grandfather (Pa) about crazy roosters and ladders to the attic. It was great fun, and SO nice to finally get to spend some time with family during this pregnancy. It's ridiculous, really, that we only live two hours away from my aunt and my cousin, and yet we never see them (THEY SHOULD COME VISIT US MORE OFTEN!! :)). Anyway, here are some pictures of us with my grandparents (Pa and Grandmama)...make sure to check out my shirt too, it's the one Grandmama bought me before their visit:

That tummy's really starting to poke out, isn't it?!? Oh, and just a little final comment: it was a rough weekend for my grandparents this weekend since they're LSU fans and Florida KICKED THEIR TAILS!! CHOMP CHOMP! :) I just hope it isn't so long until we get to see them again!
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