I can't quite tell you what came over me this weekend, but I was absolutely overtaken by the most intense desire to clean and organize that I've ever felt in my adult life. It was completely ridiculous, but I guess it was desperately needed. Here is a quick review of what brought me to this point:
In our bedroom we have two closets, one very large walk-in and another regular-size clothes closet. Previously, I was using the large closet as my closet and the regular-size closet was sitting there filled with all those things that you can't throw away but that you want no one to see because they cause so much clutter. You know what I'm talking about. Anyway, we also have a second bedroom in our house, which H is now using as an office, but which we plan on converting into the nursery. This, of course, involves major work, since the office will be moved into the large closet and my closet will be moved into the regular-size one. Believe me when I tell you that we had MORE THAN OUR SHARE of junk that needed to be boxed up and stored away for good--in our fully working, but completely not-utilized, attic--and Friday was the day that I could no longer stand it. Just to give you an idea of how completely crazy I went once I actually started this massive organizing project, let me offer you a few pictures.
Here is our bedroom after I yanked everything out of the small closet and the large closet combined in order to switch them and empty the closet for H's office stuff to be moved in:
And here's the interior of the large closet, approximately mid-way through the organizing process:
Oh, you haven't had enough yet? Well, check out this photo of the soon-to-be nursery, just about right in the middle of all of this organizing bliss:And here's the other side of the room, with H working so diligently to get it all in order:But I guess it's true what they say: all's well that ends well. After all of our hard, butt-busting, and muscle-pulling labor (seriously, I think I pulled a muscle in my shoulder), we finally arrived at the clutter-free heaven I was hoping for. Here's the bedroom, post-insanity:And the office/soon-to-be-nursery, mainly just the delightfully organized closet space:I know, I know, it still seems cluttered, right. Well, it is a closet after all, and the truth is that it's a gazillion times better than it was before. And my favorite part: the tiny little H outfits hanging in the closet to the right. How adorable is it that both of my Henrys will be sharing closets!?! Geez, I love them. Overall, I feel TONS better, and I've freed up a lot of space so that I can REALLY start nesting. Ooooh, I can't wait! Oh, and just to add a little humor to it all, check out this picture H took of me during all of the chaos. You can really see my ever-growing belly, which H so lovingly referred to as a "tumor growing off of your body":And once again, I can't thank you all enough for your thoughts and prayers. Please keep them coming...we're pretty much halfway through, with only one half to go! Boy, are we blessed!! :)