Tuesday, September 16, 2008

The dry run

Or maybe I should call it the wet run...since the truth is it was VERY wet! Last week during our stay in Savannah, Nacho and Rocky acquired a bad case of the fleas from God-knows-where, most likely from the waist-high grass in Grandma's yard. We've never had a flea problem with them, and so today Nacho had his first experience with a dipping, something that H is surprisingly good at. It's a long and complicated process that involves a proverbial sponge bath in which the doggie gets soaked head to toe with a flea-killing solution. Yeah, that's right, it's got nothing to do with actual dipping (surprise!). 
I, of course, was too scared to do it myself because of being pregnant, so H, being the loving husband that he is, offered to do it for me. Nacho and Rocky are both very used to getting baths, but I don't think Nacho enjoyed this dipping experience too much. I had to take video of it because it was giving me premonitions of what it might be like to bathe a baby, although I'm sure a baby would be much less wiggly and wouldn't shake off so much water in our faces. Still, it was a cute experience and I hope you enjoy the video as much as we enjoyed the actual event.

Oh, and in case you're not familiar with our fun-loving, more-than-annoying on more-than-one-occasion doggies, here are a few pictures to acquaint you with them. First, here's Rocky (AKA Rock-dog), since he's been around for longer (10+ years now!!):
And here's Nacho (AKA Nachi, Pupper, Booger, and most recently, Flea Bag), the latest addition to our family. We got him in June from the Humane Society, and he's mostly Chiwow, although I think he also has some Weenie dog in him, which would technically make him a Chiweenie (hehe):

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