I was so excited (and frustrated) about putting up the ultrasound video a few days ago that I didn't even have time to go over all of the stats on little H, or even to show some pictures (which are much more representative, given the stretched-out nature of the video) from the ultrasound. So, about little H: right now, he's SUPER long, his femur bone alone measures 1.7 inches, and he's about 6 - 6.5 inches from crown (head) to rump (booty). That means that if you could lay him on a table and stretch his legs out, he might measure up to 8 inches or more!! Wow, he's really squished up in there, poor baby! As far as his weight is concerned, he weighs around 10 ounces (not even as much as a can of soda!!), which is also a bit more than normal, according to my pregnancy books. Most of the books say that babies weigh around 7 ounces by this time. Either way, he's a BIG boy and we're so proud of that...maybe he'll even come sooner than expected (but not too soon!). I, however, have gained 10 pounds total, which is considered healthy, since the "normal expected" weight gain by this time of the pregnancy is between 8 to 14 pounds, so I'm even on the low end of the scale. I try not to spend too much time pondering how it can be that I've gained 10 pounds when little H only weighs 10 ounces (not even a pound!!). Either way, I'm so happy that he's doing well, and I'm COMPLETELY in love with his adorable nose. Here are some pictures, to help you fall in love too ;) . Here's a close-up of his adorable profile (nose included):

And here's a farther-out profile (a bit turned towards the "camera"):

Here's the shot where he's showing off who he is (which we didn't even need the ultrasound tech to point out!!):
And another:

Can you possibly love him as much as we do?!?!
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