Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Caroling for mommies

Our neighborhood, while it has a few families with children, is mostly filled with singles or families without children. Still, a few of our neighbors who live fairly close to us have some children, and ever since we moved in, the children from these families have always come here. I'm not sure if we've somehow gained a reputation as the people who always take time to talk to the kids, but they always come here and they always want to talk to us. They particularly love Nacho and Rocky. Last week, for example, three little boys came over and asked if they could rake and blow off our driveway and front yard. That was a lot of work, and those three busted their butts for probably 2 and a half I paid them $20 between the three of them and they were totally loving it. There are also a few little girls that live about a block from us, and they've come over several times since we've been here for one reason or another. Well last week I was sitting here relaxing in the living room and I hear this tiny little knock at the front door. When I answered it, it was the two little girls from the next block and one little boy that I've never seen before. They were so cute, and they just said: "Can we sing you a song?". I said of course, and then out popped this Mother's Day was the kind that sings a song when you open it. Apparently, the three of them had memorized the words to the song from the card--which I wasn't familiar with--and they came to sing the song to me. It was really one of the cutest thing I've ever seen. They were singing so loudly and like really from the bottom of their hearts, and the whole time they had this Mother's Day card opened so it could sing with them, all of them holding the card together. I cannot tell you how precious and touching it was. When they finished the song I told them thank you and then asked them where they learned the song. They told me that they had memorized it from the card, and they just wanted to sing it to me. Adorable! I gave them this bag of Hershey's Kisses that I bought about a week ago but hadn't opened yet. They were SOO excited. They said "Thanks! Thanks! Thanks!" and went running off. It's such a small story, but it was so cute that I just had to post about it. I can't wait to introduce them, and all the rest of you, to little H!! :)

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