Today I feel happy:

Every year I try and write something on my birthday, sort of reflecting on what I've been through in the previous year, and looking ahead to what I have coming in the next year. I also always read my writing from the previous year, just to try and put into perspective how things have changed, and how I might have changed, over the course of the year. It's interesting this year because this will be the second time that my writing appears on this blog. When I read back over my
Birthday blog from last year, the one thing that strikes me is how similar it is to this year, and how different it is all at the same time. Last year I was dealing with my first miscarriage and trying to process that loss, and this year I'm getting prepared to be a Mommy for real. It's practically inconceivable. This last year may have been the most dramatic in my life, and may be the one that has brought about the most serious changes, and it has turned into one that I will never forget. Not only that, but the next year has much promise for me as well. Looking ahead I can hardly believe that little H is really making his way into our lives, and that this lifelong desire that I've had to be a mom is finally coming to fruition. What a blessing! My typical birthday writings are usually infused with complaints about what's going on in my life, or littered with uncertain comments about what I can expect from the next year, but this year that's a bit different. This year I feel not only like I have crossed a never-before crossed threshold in my life, but also like I am standing at the cusp of a year that will be nothing like any other year I've experienced before. For once, I have no idea what to expect, and I'm loving it. The only thing I know is that it will be filled with love: love for both of my Henrys, love of being a mother, love for my family, and love for the beautiful future H and I have ahead of us with little H. We really are so blessed...I really am so blessed. This year I have no complaints. All I can do this year is thank God for the amazing gifts I have in my life, and do my best to prepare myself for what's to come. I want to be the best parent (and wife) that I can be, just like anything else in my life, and I want to do all that is necessary to provide a loving and happy environment for both of my Hs. Even though I normally summarize my musings, this year there's no need for a summary. This year there is only one thing to say:
I'm in love.
And here's some proof:

I guess in the end it's true what they say: love really does make the world go 'round. Boy oh boy, I can't wait to see what this next year brings!! Thanks again for your love, prayers, and support, and for helping us to bring this incredible life into the world, and raise him to be the best person he can be. I'm overwhelmed with it all, and I can't ever express how grateful I am.
1 comment:
Happy Birthday Moniqua!! I trully hope it was a wonderful day. We are so happy and excited for you and Henry and the arrival of little H. Your blog today was awesome( I got goosebumps), and I know this year will be a wonderful one for you all. You are always in our prayers and we can't wait to see you soon. Linda
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