Monday, January 12, 2009

"The Chronicle of the Leg Shaving"

The title to this post is in quotations because it's the name of a video that a few friends and I created MANY years ago when I finally came off of my man-hating, year-long, no-shaving spree. That's right, as gross as it sounds, I vowed to go an entire year without shaving my legs as a way of expressing to all those idiotic men out there that I wasn't interested in what they were offering. And people, it was gross. The video that I just mentioned was basically what it sounds like: a chronicle of leg shaving. Some of my friends and I took video of me going to the store, buying razors, buying shaving cream, and then shaving my legs. It was totally disgusting (and admittedly, kind of funny), honestly. My legs were SOO hairy, and the grossest part of the video is the end, when all of the hair that I shaved off is swirling its way down the tub drain. Unfortunately, that video has somehow gotten missing, but believe me when I tell you it was quite a sight. Well, ever since then, I haven't gone NEARLY that long without shaving...until this pregnancy. Bending over and doing anything involving the lower half of my leg has become so difficult that I rarely have the energy or desire to bother with it, and so it has been a while since I shaved them. However....this weekend Aunt Laura Gail got married (see next post), and so I had to break down and shave them. I was seriously having flashbacks to the Chronicle video, and dear God, am I happy I got to do that, even in spite of the fact that it took me a good hour to get through both legs. I used to be so averse to the idea of shaving because I thought that, just like high heels and makeup, it was representative of the unfortunate fact that we, even to this day, live in a highly male-dominated society. I still think that's true (think about the fact that the woman takes the man's last name, for example), but, yeah, shaving rocks! My legs were so itchy and so dry before I shaved, and shaving them just made me feel so great, both inside and out. And, it sort of restored some of my self confidence that has been lost over this pregnancy due to the enormous size of my belly and the constantly increasing numbers on the scale. Maybe it's true that men control everything, but the one thing we women have that they don't is the ability to look beautiful...and feel beautiful, too. I don't think I'll ever again take a hairy, dry, scratchy leg over the kind that I'm rocking now.

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