The title of this post comes from one of the books from the original
Winnie the Pooh book series, which I happen to ADORE, and I thought it was totally fitting for the topic of this post. I was going to call it "
Baby Mama and Baby Daddy", but it sounded a little ghetto. I've been going through baby pictures lately trying to get an idea of what little H might look like when he comes out. I can't wait to see!! Although I have tons and tons of my baby pictures here with me, H doesn't have very many of his own, so I've only been able to come up with one so far. Still, you at least can see how PAINFULLY cute he was as a baby (and me, too). Here's H as a little tot:

UGH! Can you stand it! Look at that adorable little face, and that nose! I have this tiny little hunch that little H has that exact same nose. Here's one of me at about the same age:

Look at those eyelashes! (Yes, my mom shamefully used curlers in my hair, even at such a young age. What were you thinking mom!?!) With a combination of H's nose and my eyes, little H will be a knockout. Oh, and just for fun, here's a few more pictures of us, a little bit further into the future, just so you can see what a cute life little H has ahead of him.

What a handsome boy we'll have! I can't wait to meet him!!
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