Monday, September 22, 2008

The first baby suit!!

Today I finally broke down and bought my first ever baby outfit for Little Henry. It's TOTALLY adorable: it's like a nighty with little feet on the bottom, and the feet have these precious little puppy heads on them, sort of like those slippers that some adults (and many kids) wear. I absolutely love it and I made H take a picture with it, so you all can see it. I did too, of course! Here's H with it (look how teeny it is!!!) handsome is he all decked out in his doctor uniform?!?:
And here's me with it, still as teeny as ever (the outfit, not me, clearly!):
I just can't wait to see his teeny little body all snuggled up in it, he's going to be SOO precious! H loved the outfit too, and he said he thought it was really cute. Oh, and on a side note, here's my weekly picture, where you can CLEARLY see that my stomach is growing bigger and bigger each day. My belly button is even starting to stretch out so that I'm starting to wonder if I'm going to have an outie before it's all over with (eek!). We miss all of you guys and wish you could be here to share all these special moments with us, but I guess at least we have this blog, which I hope you all read and enjoy. At least then, we can share these moments in spirit. We love you a lot and thank you, again, for your thoughts and prayers. Keep it up!! 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

oh my goodness!
the video is awesome!
little h is going to be here soon!
can't wait!
I love you,
uncle jay