Saturday, December 20, 2008

Little Henry: mover and shaker

A few months ago I got obsessed with these Youtube videos of babies moving in their mommy's tummies, and I was so freaked out. I actually thought to myself: "that cannot possibly happen to every woman!". Well, maybe it doesn't, but it has to me. Little H is so active and so jumpy that during a large part of the day, you can actually see my stomach rippling and moving wherever he is. It's (admittedly) sort of creepy, but literally one of the most incredible things I've seen in my entire life. I could watch him for hours when he really gets going. Since all this has started, I've wanted to get it on video to show everyone, but little H has a bad case of stage fright and refuses to perform whenever the video camera is on (don't ask me how he knows..and if you need proof, check out how he covers his special parts with his hands in his ultrasound video). Anyway, I finally got some footage of it, and I'll probably be putting more up sometime soon, because his movements have recently gotten much more intense than this video. Bear with me, there's not much sound (except Rocky's clicking feet) and my stomach is blurry because I was holding the camera and my perspective is a bit skewed, but you can DEFINITELY see him moving and kicking, and it's totally cool. Soon, I'll get big H to film it for me so you can get the real effect. Enjoy!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I loved watching little Henry move around in your tummy! So cute! A great friend of mine is a photographer. She was in the delivery room on Thursday for the birth of twins. I thought you might enjoy looking at the amazing pictures. They are incredible!
Take Care,