Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Caroling for mommies
Friday, December 26, 2008
Christmas at the Heymans

Thursday, December 25, 2008
Merry Christmas, from the Emoticarolers!
Sunday, December 21, 2008
We're making a move!
Saturday, December 20, 2008
My Grandpa, the artist

Little Henry: mover and shaker
Friday, December 19, 2008
God bless the working girl!
Monday, December 15, 2008
Shower the people you love with love...

How adorable!! My other brother Jarett (who is an amazing craftsmen/artist/luthier) is also making us a "mommy's rocker", all out of very high-quality cherry wood, but it won't be finished until Christmas...and believe me, when it gets here, you all will be the first to see it. It's going to be gorgeous! My mom and Fred also made us a nifty little toy box shaped like a wagon for little H, and my grandfather carved us some painted buntings (or pops, if you're Cajun) for little H's wall. That sculpture will be getting it's own post, don't worry! We also got lots of other lovely things from my grandmother and my cousins, as well as from tons of people from Lillie's shower. It was so amazing and overwhelming to see that so many people care about us, and about little H, more than anything. We're so excited to welcome him into the world soon, and we can't wait to share these moments with all of you. And needless to say, I have oodles of thank you cards to write....because we are SOO thankful. How blessed we are! :)
It's Paula Deen y'all!!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Birthday blog, edition 08

Saturday, November 29, 2008
Our artificial Thanksgiving #2

Overall, it was a great day and I think little H is happy and fully in my belly...which, combined with me being so full, is making it rather hard to breathe. H also took a picture of me with all of the food that I cooked (ALONE), and it shows how really big little H is getting (and as a result, me). Even I can't believe that my stomach has actually grown to the size it has...and just think, I have 2.5 months left to go!!

Some encouraging words I was heading to the pool, I ran into one of the trainers from the gym (Brandon) who I've always talked to. After being out of the country for the summer, and after not going to the gym for so long, it's literally been months since I've seen him. Actually, the last time I saw him was probably around May. He works weird hours so I rarely run into him. Anyhow, I saw him yesterday and he came running over to me and said, "Wow! Look at you!". I felt a bit embarrased, I'll admit, because I could remember how thin I was the last time he saw me, so I launched into this sob story about why he hasn't seen me in so long and how I wish I could work out more. He just laughed and said, "Stop worrying! It doesn't matter, it's not about you, it's about the baby! And anyway, once he's born you'll get back in here and lose all the weight you want! I'm so happy for you!". It was SOO nice. I left the gym feeling so refreshed, not just physically from the workout, but emotionally from those nice comments. Brandon is right, it is about little H. Claudia made that comment on here last week after I posted about my weight issues, and she was right too. I guess in the end if it means that little H is growing and healthy, who cares, right?
That's the real point: it's not just about me anymore. I guess I'm just learning lesson #1 in motherhood.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Our artificial Thanksgiving

Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Social graces actually do matter
And I guess if you don't have them, what the heck are you going to do? I don't know what to tell you but I do know that it's better to shut your trap then to potentially offend someone...that would ALWAYS be the wise thing to do. Hopefully chunky grocery store worker girl will learn that soon...and some of my friends, for that matter.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
No diabetes for me!!
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Little H's Christmas wish list
OH YES, that's the beginning of a nursery you see!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Mommy updates
And here's the "weekly" picture, which is now turning into more of a "monthly" picture instead (at 27 weeks and 2 days):
Shamrock shake
Monday, November 10, 2008
Dad Tips
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Remodeling, aka Demolding

Monday, November 3, 2008
Past the point of no return
The return home
This one is from the Japanese restaurant we visited for my dad's's a Dad/daughter moment:

And lastly, here's me and Bethany, my step-niece, after our yummy breakfast at Waffle House...we were both apparently striking a pose :)

Sunday, October 19, 2008
My loving husband
60 yr. old patient, recovering from liver transplant: "So, what's your primary job?" (meaning, in the hospital)
H, my loving husband: "Taking care of my wife."
Patient: "Well, you must really be in love."
H: "I really am."
I mean, seriously, does it get any better than that? :)
The wardrobe and the forgotten video
This is the latest addition to the wardrobe, it's a cute little onesy with a hood on it, and it says "3 Little Monkeys". I LOVE IT!
And here are the two gift outfits. The one on the right is from my grandparents, and it has a little wolf on it, and the one on the left is from my Dad and Lillie, and it has two little doggies on it, one little and one big, just like little H's sure-to-be-pals, Rocky and Nacho. How grown up will little H look in these outfits!!
The last thing I wanted to post was the video we took when we were having the ultrasound done a little over a month ago. I know, it's been a long time coming, but I kept forgetting that we had it, and so I never posted it. It isn't that long because the ultrasound tech wouldn't let us video the entire thing (legal reasons or something), and even though she said we could film the part when we found out the sex, we noticed it on our own before she got to that part, so we sort of missed the opportunity to film it...that's why the video is sort of dishonest. Either way, here it is, so you can share in our moment of happiness, even it was a bit after it first happened:
What's a girl to do?
Boy, did I get that wrong!
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
The amazing Dr. Duff and other fun updates

A visit with family