Monday, November 3, 2008

Past the point of no return

Why "the point of no return", you say? Well, because I finally made it to the 24 week mark (last week, actually)!!! What that means is that little H is actually viable outside of the womb! Not only that, but I'm FINALLY into my last trimester!! Although he might struggle a bit with underdeveloped lungs and other organs, if something outrageous happened that caused me to go into premature labor, little H could be born and survive. How incredible is that?!? I've been feeling him move A LOT lately, and I can tell that he's getting bigger and bigger by the day. In fact, I love it when he moves because it reminds me that he's there and also, I feel, is helping me "bond" with him a bit. I know it sounds silly, but I feel like just feeling him move is giving me a window into his personality and is beginning the bonding process between us. I love it! He's very active, in fact, and even big H has felt him move on numerous occasions, which are becoming more and more frequent by the day. I can't tell all of you how grateful I am for your thoughts and prayers, and please keep them coming, just a few more months and we'll all have the amazing opportunity to give little H all the kisses we want!! I CAN'T WAIT!!
Oh, and even though I've been pretty slack with the weekly pics (sorry!!), here's me at 24 weeks...QUITE different than 21, right?!? And the best news of all...STILL NO STRETCH MARKS!! :)

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