Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Shamrock shake

We FINALLY painted the nursery this weekend, which was a very exciting task that I had been waiting MONTHS (literally) to complete. Although we had decided on a very (what I perceived to be) neutral green and yellow pastel for little H's room, the colors came out much more vibrant than I had imagined they would be. In fact, H referred to the green color as "shamrock shake, you know, like they make at McDonald's". And, truth be told, it was pretty bright green, almost flourescent I would say...well, in the can at least. I think it was just shocking to me since every room in our house now is painted a neutral color, and these colors are so cool. But, then again, it is a baby's room, and he should have some color. We used some no-VOC paint and I think that is what affected the color quality, but now that I've seen it for a few days, especially in the sunlight, I really do like it. We painted two walls green and two yellow. It looks adorable, and I think little H will really love it. Here are some pictures for you to enjoy (as H is in the picture itself):
And here's what it looks like with that great bubble light turned on:
We're finally on our way to having a REAL nursery...all we need is the crib and some other baby furniture, which we will hopefully be getting in the next few weeks. YAY!!

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